Abar Records

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Creative Sound and Melody for life .abar records Music production by any Culture and any tradition

About Abar Records
Abar Records represents a change in thinking in regards to what a record label should be. While record labels have traditionally been faceless corporations who see their artists as nothing more than investments, recent trends in the music industry coupled with technological advances have made the traditional role of the record label decreasingly relevant to today's audience. The whole nature of the music industry is changing shape, CD sales are dropping, online downloads are increasing, the way people interact with music is becoming more immediate and personal to the point where big multinational companies simply are no longer able to monopolize the market through their use of big promotional budgets, to put it simply, the era of smoke and mirrors is drawing to a close, the public have access to libraries of information, films and music literally at the touch of a button and are no longer fooled by the fake glitz and glamour that has previously been used as a mask to delude the masses.
At Abar Records we are simply in the business of producing high quality music with no boundaries. Our aim is to become a portal through which artists can share music with their audience and fulfill their true potential. We believe that quality music speaks for itself and what we aim to do is to provide the artist with the musical environment through which they can work freely and without reservations to be able to elevate their particular art whatever shape it may take from Electronic to HipHop to Rock to Trip Hop to Fusion and Experimental music, Abar Records aims to become a name that is synonymous with the high quality of music it produces, regardless of the genre or language.
Our aim is for Abar Records to become a hallmark of thoughtful creativity. We also feel that the audience deserve more respect than is currently given to them, in a world where everything is being downloaded we will release all music for free download as opposed to vainly trying to stop our music being heard, it has always seemed hypocritical and quite ironic that major corporations spend so much time, effort and money to stop the popularity of the very acts that they are supposed to be promoting! Essentially what we are being told is that unless we agree to interact with the music on the terms that the major labels dictate to us, we do not have a right to hear the music in question. Abar Records believe that it is backward thinking, hypocritical and simply ineffective to try to enforce restrictions on music so we make a pledge to always offer the choice of a free download alongside the hard copy CD and digital version. Our aim is to free our art into the wild not to put it in a cage and charge visitors to see it.

Abar Records Contact Person


Album Antimatter

Our studio in Sweden you must booking time...
Monday - Friday 8am - 18 pm
Fabrikgatan 10 Bollnäs studio 1 abarrecords
Studio 2 Studiefrämjandet
15,7 km · Collinigatan 2